Spelling & Grammar
You can work with spelling and grammar and as you type or you can wait until you are all done and then check the spelling and grammar for the the whole document. Be careful. Always proofread your work even after a spell/grammar check is done. Also be aware of the fact that it is just checking the text in your document. It will not check the text that is a part of any graphic you have.
WordArt is a perfect example of this. It does not check this as it is a graphic and not text based. As you type in Word the default is set up to automatically check your spelling and grammar as you type. Words that are spelled wrong are indicated by a red squiggly line and grammar mistakes are indicated by a green squiggly line. To correct as you type you can right click on the words and choose one of the words that pops up.
These words are words the computer thinks you want to use. If the word you spelled is correct you can choose ignore. If you have other occurrences of that word choose ignore all. There are actually some words that you may type wrong that are automatically corrected as you type them. This is part of the autocorrect feature in Word. If a word always comes up wrong and it is a word that is correct and you use it often you can choose add when you right click on it and it will add it to your dictionary and it won't come up as a spelling error in the future.
If you have grammar errors you right click and it will tell you where it seems to find the error. You can make changes or leave it as you typed it.
To correct spelling and grammar of your whole document follow these steps:
1. Go to Tools on the menu bar and choose Spelling & Grammar.
2. Click on the Spelling and Grammar button from the Formatting toolbar.
3. Click on the F7 Key.
4. It will go through each of your spelling and grammar errors. Make your changes and then your spelling and grammar check will be complete.